Educational Set-up

Educational Set-up

The school is a senior secondary school affiliated to M.P Bord., Bhopal. Our academic planning and programmes are designed keeping in view the new education policy. The syllabus prescribed is the one recommended by CBSE, New Delhi. The medium of instruction is English but equal stress is laid on Hindi & Sanskrit. The classroom in our school is no longer a dull place with a monotonous routine in which the child is at the receiving end, the teacher at the giving end. On the other hand the classroom vibrates with vigour and vitality where the teacher employs activity-oriented methods and makes use of the other audiovisual aids like Lingaphone, Tape-recorder, T.V., VCR and Computers etc.

Nursery Section

In nursery section your child enjoy stress free education & living together in a small community and in a protected world. Nursery section has wide and spacious classrooms with spacious furniture. There is a very spacious and decorated playroom with a variety of toys, slides and a doll house. All teachers are enthusiastic & understanding towards children’s need.

School Session

The academic year is from April to March. The school year consists of two terms.
April - September, October – March

School Uniform

All students are required to wear school uniform as per school norms. Summer & winter uniform will be same. School Dress are compulsory for all the students. The colour of uniform and other details are given in diary.

General Information

  • The school is running a canteen to provide refreshments to the student and staff.
  • A facility of school bus will be available for desirous students at selected stops. The bus stop well be paid separately along with the school fee.
  • Parents Teacher Association : We strongly believe that a child is more likely to develop if there is an effective partnership between the school and the parents. Parents-Teacher Meeting is held on the last day of every month.
  • Educational Excursions : Educational excursions are undertaken frequently to historical and religious places which endeavour to show the pupils in real life what they read in books.
  • Extra - curricular activities : The cultural life of the school is rich and varied. To inculcate in the students an awareness of their rich cultural heritage they are encouraged to involve themselves in the extra curricular-activities available in the school.
  • Discipline among the teachers and students.
  • Giving orientation and guidance to the new teachers regularly.
  • Checking lesson plan and submitting to the Principal.
  • Helping the Principal in all the activities in all the aspect.
  • Helping all the committee and clubs with up to date information's and instructions.